Friday, May 20, 2011

Physical Therapy Good Cure for Swollen Head

If you're ever feeling a little cocky or smug, I recommend you hurt yourself. What do I mean by that, you are wondering? Am I advocating masochism? No. (Not that there's anything, ahem, wrong with that.) What I mean by that statement is that if you've ever been injured and have been to physical therapy, you will start to realize that you're not as strong and vital as you think you are. I should know -- I had a physical therapy session today for an elbow problem that's been nagging me for months now, and afterwards I definitely felt, well, humbled. When I looked around the room where I did my stretches I observed people of all ages struggling to do exercises that healthy people can do without any real effort, and it hit me: I was one of them. Suddenly I no longer thought of myself as the eternally young, invulnerable person that I delude myself I am most days. I also realized that I must get exercise on a regular basis to get well and stay well, even though I'm thin and healthy. And that wearing loose, comfortable clothing and shoes while exercising makes good sense, no matter how dumpy and frumpy and they make me look. Yep, I need to take care of my body, since it's the only one I'll ever get. But the most humbling thought I had after physical therapy today was this: I will spend hundreds of dollars on stretches and massages I could probably do myself at home, and I'll still end up with the same sore elbow I started out with. Ouch.

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