Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Poetry is hot, again!


A tall man arrives
As the withered one departs
The two meet at midnight
Under a street light
They exchange a glance
And a handshake
That says more than words
Could communicate
Two ships passing
One to port, one to sea
At odds, from appearances
Both steadfast in their duty

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Seeing isn't believing

Irony: Free wine samples are given out at grocery store to people who appear to be under the legal drinking age, but at the store's checkout a woman who appears to be in her fifties is carded when buying said wine.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hot Stuff

Maybe I'm getting old (I am almost 50), but I'm just not as interested in acquiring more stuff like I used to be. Only a few hours ago, I saw an adorable purse in Target that a couple of years ago I would have bought in a heartbeat, and yet I managed to leave the store without it, opting instead to buy a box of sanitary napkins with the money. (Sorry, TMI, I know.). What is happening to me? Where is my urge to splurge? Has the recession taken the wind out my "sales"? Or have I finally gotten control of my spending? I dunno. All I know is It feels wrong, even un-American, to have lost touch with my inner shopaholic.  In this country, we're bombarded with advertising trying to sell us more and more stuff, the underlying  message being that we need it to be happy or complete. I'm not completely immune to this pretty persuasion -- I do enjoy looking at ads for clothes or shoes or makeup -- but  I no longer hear that little voice whispering in my ear telling me I need to buy any of it...
However disorienting this change in my shopping behavior is for me, it might turn out to be a good thing come September. I'm planning to move into a new home then, and the less schtuff I (and the movers) have to schlep from here to there, the better for everyone involved.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Poem for Springtime

Upon arriving at the garden
An iron gate greets me
Gray and laden with scrollwork
Heavy guardian of beauty
I push upon it to enter
It resists momentarily, then cooperates

I gaze upon
A multitude of flowers in bloom
Roses, lilies, more roses...
A path of mottled bricks
To walk upon, to follow around curves
That bend like tulip stems
Bees rise silently from petals
And ascend into the fragrant air

How I wish I could live here
Among the flowers and bees!
I’d feed on the loamy soil
And drink from the brackish pond
And sing endlessly to the blue sky above.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Physical Therapy Good Cure for Swollen Head

If you're ever feeling a little cocky or smug, I recommend you hurt yourself. What do I mean by that, you are wondering? Am I advocating masochism? No. (Not that there's anything, ahem, wrong with that.) What I mean by that statement is that if you've ever been injured and have been to physical therapy, you will start to realize that you're not as strong and vital as you think you are. I should know -- I had a physical therapy session today for an elbow problem that's been nagging me for months now, and afterwards I definitely felt, well, humbled. When I looked around the room where I did my stretches I observed people of all ages struggling to do exercises that healthy people can do without any real effort, and it hit me: I was one of them. Suddenly I no longer thought of myself as the eternally young, invulnerable person that I delude myself I am most days. I also realized that I must get exercise on a regular basis to get well and stay well, even though I'm thin and healthy. And that wearing loose, comfortable clothing and shoes while exercising makes good sense, no matter how dumpy and frumpy and they make me look. Yep, I need to take care of my body, since it's the only one I'll ever get. But the most humbling thought I had after physical therapy today was this: I will spend hundreds of dollars on stretches and massages I could probably do myself at home, and I'll still end up with the same sore elbow I started out with. Ouch.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Regretfully Yours

Don't you hate it when a celebrity is quoted as saying they have no regrets? It's especially annoying when the celebrity saying this is someone who's who's been very public with his or her bad behavior and/or has gone to rehab in order to try and  get "better." Take Charlie Sheen (please!) - despite losing his wife, kids, and job, he's "winning." Ack! Call me crazy, but I just don't get it. And how about that other group of crazies, the folks who insist they live only for today and never look back? I just feel sorry for those misguided souls. Don't they realize that looking back is what keeps you going when you get old and have nothing to look forward to anymore?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Poetry is hot!

Poets in the White House?
I am delighted!
My only complaint --
I wasn't invited.


Monday, May 9, 2011

My blog has a hot new name

Okay, so it's somewhat of a ripoff of the movie/book title, but it's godaamn clever, isn't it? I'll be posting more now that my blog name has changed and is inspiring me to greater things. Don't say you haven't been warned...